When I used to work to make someone else wealthy, I really dreaded "Mondays". To me, Monday meant the start of misery. Sometimes, I would actually get physically depressed on a Sunday night----all because Monday was coming. Yep...me and Mondays didn't get along, until I started my own business.
The weird thing is this: since becoming an entrepreneur, I work twice as hard as I ever did, and I look forward to each and every day---especially Mondays!
That's right....I can't wait to see what magical things are going to happen to my business this week. There is nothing as exciting as growing your own business. I want you to experience that level of excitement in your life; you ABSOLUTELY deserve it, and I've found an simple way to do it by using the
Better Web Builder system. I believe that the Better Web Builder (BWB) can help you experience that growth and excitement, faster and easier than anything else on the Internet. Use it as a tool to grow your Primary Business or use it as a stand-alone opportunity. Either way you can have massive success!
There are lots of new tools and services being added to this System all the time. BWB has even launched a new program called "Help Us Help You", where you tell them the tools you want, and they make them available to you! Just go to this link to complete our
quick survey and tell us the tools and services you want.
Below is the schedule for this weeks' training webinars; as always they are 100% free to attend:
All Times are EST USA and all webinars are located
HERE. Tuesday:4:00 PM - UK and Beyond - a BWB Training hosted by Top Incomer Earner Juanita Watterman to accommodate various Time Zones.
9:00 PM - BWB Training, How to Use BWB to Grow another Business.
10:00 PM - How to use TWITTER to grow your Business - Host Juanita Waterman
2:00 PM - FaceBook Basics for Newbies, with Q&A - Host - Lynda Cromar
10:00 PM - FaceBook Basics for Newbies, with Q&A - Host Lynda Cromar
10:00 PM - Use FaceBook to Grow Your Business - Host - Juanita Waterman
11:00 AM - Leadership Training - learn the skills needed to be a Top Producer.
There's always more to learn and I'm confident you will really enjoy BWB's no-nonsense, down-to-earth training webinars. New Affiliates, guests and friends are all welcome.
Together we can make this week REALLY special and very profitable. Take our Survey, plug into our webinars and invite others to do the same. Let's make a commitment to take MASSIVE Action and Help a lot of people this week.
I know I will.
I hope you do, because I've seen the results they are truly amazing.
As always-- please post your questions and comments on this page. And if you're already involved with this type of product, you are welcome to let us know about it.
You can also visit us at
our sister site. We do not tolerate spam.