
What Have You Done For YOU Lately?

"What have you done for me lately? OOOOO, Yeah!"

We all remember the "hook line" to Miss Jacksons #1 song back in the day. What I'm wondering is What Have YOU Done for you lately?

How have you spoiled yourself lately? Spa treatment? Shopping spree? Vacation?

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Who's In Heaven?

Well, Dear Readers, the Summer of 2011 is over. Out of all the great moments of my Summer of 2011, one really sticks in my mind.

I was leaving a semi-formal social gathering last month, had given my compliments to the hosts, and was headed to the front door, when I heard someone say: "You're so heaven-minded that you're no good here on earth."

I stopped, turned around and saw that this statement came from the mouth of a 20-something young man.  He was speaking to a young lady, and I could tell by her facial expression that she was deeply hurt.  Before stalking off, she told the young man, "I never want to see you again, you A-hole!".  The young man looked at me, shook his head and walked off in the opposite direction.   I quietly slipped out the door as I saw the hosts of the gathering approach the young man.  

Riding home, I thought about that scene over and over. Since then, it's popped up in my mind unannounced on more than one occasion. I've thought about what I could have said that would have calmed the spirits of both of those young people. It was obvious that they had an emotional/romantic attachment, and that they were having some type of disagreement. Yet, they were allowing their anger to seep out to the point where they were judging each other. Whether in a public or private setting, that's never a good thing. 

Two days later, I came up with the right words that might have made them both stop and think: "Most people are so earthly minded to the point that they are no heavenly good."

The reality of heaven and hell have been diminished in our culture to the point of irrelevance. This is tragic because we've been "bamboozled" into thinking that we are physical beings that have occasional spiritual experiences. We're not. 

We are spirit beings who are having a TEMPORARY physical experience. So many of us don't recognize this truth, and therefore we respond more to fear than freedom. The evil one has implanted such distortion in our perception of reality. We spend a lot of time pointing fingers at each other, and trying to "one up" each other. We really need to step back and refocus, rethink, and---in many of our lives---redirect our energy.

So.... to that unknown young couple, and Loyal Readers:  I hope that you value those in your circle enough to put your pride and pointing fingers aside.  If you resonate with the brief introduction, I think you will find the following poem helpful, funny, and exciting. Most important, I hope it moves you. Moves you to examine yourself, and remember that when you point a finger at someone else, THREE are pointing back at you.

Who's In Heaven
(Unknown Author)

I was shocked, confused, bewildered as I entered Heaven’s door; not by the beauty of it all, by the lights or its decor.

But it was the folks in Heaven who made me sputter and gasp–the thieves, the liars, the sinners, the alcoholics, the trash.

There stood the kid from seventh grade who swiped my lunch money twice.  Next to him was my old neighbor---- who never said anything nice.

Herb, who I always thought was rotting away in hell, was sitting pretty on Cloud Nine, looking incredibly well.

I nudged Jesus, “What’s the deal? I would love to hear Your take. How’d all these sinners get up here? God must’ve made a mistake.

And why is everyone so quiet, so somber? Give me a clue.”

“My child,” said He,  “They’re all in shock.  No one ever thought they would see you.”

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