
The Trayvon Martin Tragedy

This post is not about hair.  It IS about skin.  Skin color in particular.

Unless you live under a rock, you've heard the recent news about the Trayvon Martin case in Florida. 

The whole thing somehow reminds me of the Troy Davis execution in September 2011. 

To keep us updated about what's going on, The Huffington Post has set up a news page ("The Trayvon Martin Tragedy") dedicated to coverage of this case at "Black Voices".    Check it out and stay informed.   

Special thanks to Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Trymaine Lee, for sharing  Trayvon's story from the very beginning until other influential columnists and the media picked up on it.  With Florida and 23 other states determined to keep this law on their books, all of us should be communicating with our loved ones  near and far about what happened to Trayvon.  We also need to talk about this so called "stand your ground" law that  effectively allows  "alleged" killers to view the men in our lives (who are fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons) as a threat---simply because of skin color.  

In the meantime, Jasiri-X, the Pittsburgh-area activist and rapper who spends a great deal of his time traveling the US in support of various causes and solutions, has made a name for himself by weighing in on current events and issues of race.  Jasiri-X has just released a video about the Trayvon Martin case set to the beat of Kanye West and Jay-Z's "No Church In The Wild." Check it out.....and share your thoughts:

Established to show the possibilities of healthy living while building better businesses, the Healthy Hair Source provides current news that promote healthy solutions for hair, skin and health care issues. This original post is on Dolle House Healthy Hair Source © copyright, 2012. Share it freely, but you must link back to this source. If you would like more information on any of our topics, please indicate that in your comments. Thanks for reading! Best Regards, Admin

Is Your Shampoo Cancerous?

Could your shampoo be increasing your risk of developing cancer? Or your moisturizer?

Many personal care products you use daily pose a danger to your health. Ingredients that are banned in Europe for use in personal care products such as shampoos, deodorants, and body lotions, are sold to unsuspecting Americans every day. Several of these products are probably in your home right now.

Some contain a cocktail of harmful ingredients, including DHA (diethanolamine), phthalates, formaldehyde, benxene, para-dioxane, propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate, and petroleum.  ALL of them have all been linked to many diseases, including cancers.

Personal care products are NOT regulated by the FDA for safety. According to the Environmental Working Group, only about 11 percent of the over 10,500 ingredients used in personal products have been tested for safety.

The following are some of the most frequent offenders:

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). SLS is an ingredient used in commercial shampoos, but it's also used in engine degreasers. It can be stored throughout the body including in the eyes, brain, heart, and liver, and can even change genetic information in cells. It can react with other ingredients in shampoos and body cleansers to form carcinogenic nitrates and dioxins. With just one shampooing, large numbers of nitrates can be absorbed by the skin and enter the blood supply.

Propylene glycol. Propylene is a major ingredient in industrial antifreeze as well as brake and hydraulic fluid. In personal care products, it helps retain moisture. It’s used in toothpastes, deodorants, lotions and shampoos, and it can cause kidney and liver damage.

Para-dioxane. Para-dioxane, also known as 1,4-dioxane, is a probable carcinogen that is found in some children’s shampoos at levels above those deemed safe by the FDA. In 2007, the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics commissioned a study of baby-care products that found 1,4-dioxane in 67 percent of products tested. The Environmental Working Group estimates that more than 25 percent of all personal-care products contain the chemical. Personal care products containing para-dioxane have been banned in Europe.

Diethanolamine (DEA). DEA is found in hundreds of personal care products and is probably in your soap and shampoo. It causes cancer in rats when applied to the skin as well as damage to the liver, kidneys, and other organs.

Rules for avoiding harmful products:

• Don’t buy products that contain ingredients with long names. They are usually synthetic and haven’t been tested for safety.

• Don’t buy highly scented products. They contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which easily enter the bloodstream, killing brain cells and causing cancer. Avoid products listing “perfume,” “fragrance,” or “scent,” as ingredients.Instead, choose products labeled “organic” or “all-natural” and products made with plant-based oils such as almond or jojoba.

While it's true that most organic/all natural products are more expensive....aren't you and your loved ones are worth every cent?

Established to show the possibilities of healthy living while building better businesses, the Healthy Hair Source provides current news that promote healthy solutions for hair, skin and health care issues. This original post is on Dolle House Healthy Hair Source © copyright, 2012. Share it freely, but you must link back to this source. If you would like more information on any of our topics, please indicate that in your comments. Thanks for reading! Best Regards, Admin

The Connection of Friendship

“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.”
-Bob Marley

Friendships and connections are a necessity in life. We need them for our health and even our survival. It’s important to recognize that whatever we put out into the world, we will also receive. Furthermore, I’ve learned that if you know how to be a good friend, and practice that in your everyday life, you will be able to create friendships with not only other women, but other people in general..  If you want to have healthy friendships with other people, you’re going to have to learn to expect flaws and disappointment from time to time. I am not advocating that you be a pushover and accept disrespect under any circumstance. What I am saying is to recognize that no friendship is “perfect.” So if --or when--conflict occurs, you should take the time to logically weigh the good against the bad. If there’s more good, do your part to address any issues and maintain the friendship. If there’s more bad, cut the relationship loose and keep it moving. In the end, the goal is to have great and life long friendships. And the best way to do this is by making decisions in who you choose as friends.

Do you have any great friendships?

What is the key to forming, and maintaining healthy relationships?

Established to show the possibilities of healthy living while building better businesses, the Healthy Hair Source provides current news that promote healthy solutions for hair, skin, health and life issues. This original post is on Dolle House Healthy Hair Source © copyright, 2012. Share it freely, but you must link back to this source. If you would like more information on any of our topics, please indicate that in your comments. Thanks for reading! Best Regards, Admin