
Hair Extensions

If they say "beauty is pain," then the beauty of achieving long,luscious locks is becoming more and more painful for many women....and men. Hair extensions have become the must-have accessory of celebrities on the red carpet and in magazines.
Now more and more women, and men, are following suit and using the extensions at home and work. Some as young as 19 are experiencing the dangerous side effects that come with trying to transform one's natural hair with hair pieces that make their hair longer and fuller.

"We have patients who are in their early 20s come in after wearing hair extensions for six months or one year, and they actually have bald spots," Dr. Eric Schweiger, a New York City dermatologist, told "Good Morning America."

Doctors say people particularly at risk for damage from hair extensions are those with already thin or weak hair, or with a pre-existing medical condition, like anemia.

Hair extensions, in which hair is attached onto a person's existing hair or scalp by either weaving, gluing or clipping it on, may cause little damage to some women but, for others, the hairpieces can cause nightmarish results.

Twenty-two-year-old Maya Ramos of Delray Beach, Fla., experienced the dark side of hair extensions firsthand after she began using clip-on extensions to make her shoulder-length hair longer and fuller. Just three months after her extension adventure began, Ramos saw signs of trouble.

"My hair was really falling and falling," she told "GMA." "I was shedding a lot of hair in the back toward the extensions." The damage caused by the extensions, which she described as "heavy" and "uncomfortable," was so severe that Ramos feared the worst. "I was freaking out," she said. "I thought I was going to lose my hair
by the time I was 30."

Concerned, Ramos sought the help of a hair loss expert.

The specialist diagnosed Ramos with traction alopecia, a form of gradual hair loss caused primarily by a pulling force being applied to the hair. Within a year of quitting the extensions, Ramos' hair, much to her relief, had grown back.

Not so lucky is Chioma Odimegwu of New York City. Odimegwu is considering a hair transplant at the age of 25 after six years of using hair extensions resulted in permanent hair loss. Odimegwu began using 14-inch glue-in extensions at the age of 19. When the extensions caused her hair to thin, she had a professional stylist
apply tie-on extensions to cover the hair loss.

The new extensions worsened the problem, and Odimegwu's hair loss spiraled out of control. "When I took (the new extensions) out, my whole head of hair was very,
very thin," she told "GMA" of her post-extensions appearance. Odimegwu tried a host of doctor-recommended products, including female Rogaine, in an effort to re-grow her hair,and worked to cover her hair loss in other ways.

"I wear lots of hats," she said. "And really fat headbands."

Ramos and Odimegwu are not alone. Even celebrities are experiencing difficulties related to hair extensions.

"Nothing destroys your hair faster than hair extensions," Jennifer Aniston, whose own shag-style cut in the '90s sparked a worldwide hair craze, told Harper's Bazaar magazine in a 2006 interview. "I decided to have a couple of extensions, never knowing you end up with 400 things in your hair that cause your hair to break off."

As Hair Extensions' Popularity Grows, So Too Does the Debate

Advocates of hair extensions, like New York stylist Angelo David, argue that extensions are still a great asset, and option, for any woman - provided they are installed and worn correctly. "Everybody can wear hair extensions," he told "GMA." "You just need to wear extensions that fit your head." His eponymous New York City salon does a brisk business, outfitting women with long locks and custom-made extensions.

Mr. David takes pains to make certain his extensions are appropriate for a woman's individual hair type so that extensions are neither too heavy or too tight. The couture hair extensions offered at David's salon cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to upwards of several thousand dollars. David's clients are thrilled with the results.

"I think that extensions add so much attractiveness to people," salon client Reilly Chaffin said. "I look at them and I think that I look so much better."

Something everyone (from stylists like David, who favor hair extensions, to doctors like Dr. Schweiger who remain skeptical of their safety), agree on is that women who choose to use extensions should do so with care and attention to detail.

"You need to create the right fit," said David. "The important thing is getting into the right extension."

"It's very important that people out there know the risks of hair extensions before they get them done," said Dr. Schweiger. "If you're going to do any extensions, just use them for a few hours and take them out. That's the safest way." (source)

How do you feel about hair extensions? Have you tried them? If so, what's your opinion/experience?

Healthy Hair Source will keep you covered, inside and out, on safe solutions for healthy hair, skin and health care. If you want more information on any of our topics, please leave a comment. Thanks for reading!

Strength and Length

The main thing I have found in my natural hair journey is that there was only ONE thing I needed to do to move from the "stuck" position (where my hair grew to a certain length, then started to break off). That one thing was for ME to recognize that I was doing all the harm to my hair! My hair began to grow and STAY healthy once I got to "know" MY hair! Once I understood that EVERY new product was not necessarily good for MY hair...once I understood that my hair growth rates were not the same as my Mother's or my aunts....once I figured out that all of us have small ---but extremely important--- differences in our hair growth cycles.....then I was able to get out of the "stuck" position! Here are the top 5 reasons why hair does not gain strength and length:

1. YOU IGNORE BREAKAGE. This is the top reason and if you read no further, at least read the next two paragraphs.

If you have been stuck at a particular length for a long time, the most likely reason is that you have split ends which are breaking off your hair at the same rate as it is growing. The only reasonable thing to do is to trim your hair and by "trim", I mean cut 2-3 inches off. I could tell you to just look for splits/knots, then trim them off. But the reality is that it is very had to do a "search and destroy" on short hair which you cannot see properly. If you have a trusted hair stylist who'll do this for you.....consider yourself blessed and get it done.

The second form of breakage that is largely ignored are those short, little, quarter-inch end segment breaks that happen with very kinky hair (like mine). While it is not possible to fully eliminate breakage entirely, it is possible to reduce it to a minimal level by being very gentle, choosing gentle de-tangling methods and being patient when handling your hair.

2. YOU OVER-MANIPULATE THE HAIR. Let me tell you....puffs and Afros are addictive. I used to love ' ' THEM! Not anymore. Why? Because although they are a simple, cute and protective styles, most of us leave them in too long...........causing the hair to tangle, knot and break! Truth be told, ANY "protective" styles will cause damage if left in "too" long. When we do decide to change the style, the time and effort required to unravel the strands and remove lint can (and will!) cause a lot of damage.

For those with looser curls, styles like twists which are normally regarded as protective may be terrible for you, if they unravel easily and you may be tempted to constantly use a drying gel, which definitely does not help your hair. Curly hair likes to be free! When you "bind" it (with hair clips, gel, barrettes, bands, etc.), it will complain bitterly when it's time to remove the bind (another example of over manipulation). The top signs are breakage, tangling and knotting. Find a happy medium with your hair.

3.YOU ARE STILL HUNTING FOR THAT "MAGIC" PRODUCT. There are no magic products. There are people who have seemingly terrible product choices but great hair and similarly people with great product choices and terrible hair.

The thing to understand about hair length retention is that it is largely mechanical damage that really does you in. Mechanical damage meaning how you physically break your hair. Hair products mainly mask damage, what you can do is prevent damage in the first place. You and your hair handling methods are the most important tools, over and above products.

4.YOU ARE FOLLOWING SOMEONE ELSE'S REGIMEN. Never ever make the mistake of not listening to YOUR hair. If someone swears by heat training, that does not mean it will for you. If someone swears by coconut oil, that does not mean it will work for you.

There is nothing wrong with experimenting with any method, product or routine. There IS something wrong with failing to see that it is not working for your hair. Always pay attention to if your hair breaks, or feels less than ideal.

5. YOU ARE STILL USING TOO MUCH HEAT. I've said this before, and it's important to repeat this: Length retention has a huge mechanical component to it. That component is HEAT. Heat ultimately degrades hair. For some people, regular heat use is not a big problem, as their hair is able to cope with it; for others, even slight heat is an issue.

Learn how YOUR hair behaves. Do not choose "style" or "ease" over and above hair health. It may be easier to handle your hair when its curls are not as tight but consider doing a heat free method such as curl formers, braids/twists or banding. The finer and kinkier your hair, the less likely it is to be able to take a lot of heat.

Ladies, have you been guilty of any of these mistakes I've made?

Healthy Hair Source will keep you covered, inside and out, on safe solutions for healthy hair, skin and health care. If you want more information on any of our topics, please leave a comment. Thanks for reading!

A Whole Lotta Hair!

OK.....the picture is intense. The Lady is a singer who lives in France. And...I have to admit that I was stunned at the sheer magnitude of this 'Fro.....even for an Entertainer.

I wonder what DH Readers think about the "size" of our hair.

What...if considered TOO long or TOO big?

When does the magnificence of a huge Fro/Twistout cross-over into "that's a bit much" territory?

Healthy Hair Source will keep you covered, inside and out, on safe solutions for healthy hair, skin and health care. If you want more information on any of our topics, please leave a comment. Thanks for reading!

Howard University Students TANGLE

Howard University has been all over the blogosphere lately after the Huffington Post voted it the 2nd Best Dressed College in the Nation in 2010.

And it seems natural hair has found a permanent home at the stylish institution. On November 20, 2011, students Alexis Guy and Jessica Williams will celebrate the first anniversary of the natural hair group they formed last year called "TANGLES".

The Details: Co-Founder Alexis Guy provides these details about TANGLES:

T.A.N.G.L.E.S. stands for "Transitioners and Naturals Growing, Learning and Educating Students".

The mission of the group is to “detangle the myths from facts when it comes to natural hair” seeing that there are many misconceptions regarding black natural hair. We realized that many Howard students desire to go natural but are uncertain as to how to begin their natural journey. Therefore, TANGLES was created in order
to educate students while also celebrating natural hair. We also have a second chapter at the University of Virginia called TANGLES AT UVA.

TANGLES Activities:
TANGLES often invites lecturers and panelists to speak to our members and share their knowledge regarding health and hair care. TANGLES is a supportive environment where members share their own experiences, fears and concerns as they take on their natural journey. We meet twice a month for regular general body meetings but we’re also planning a major hair show on campus in the Spring.

On how the TANGLES group has been received by the general student population:
The student population has really taken an interest in what TANGLES offers. We consistently have 35 members at our meetings but we have over 100 people who have attended at least one meeting. We also have over 320 fans on Facebook which consists of a lot of incoming freshman as well. Last year was our first semester so we expect significant growth this semester.

On male students' participation in TANGLES
They want information on locs and stylists on campus or in the area. TANGLES goal is not just for women so we’ve been making adjustments along the way and expect more male participation this upcoming academic year.

You can find more TANGLES on Facebook and Twitter. Check them out!

OK.....Healthy Hair Readers, what are your thoughts? And college readers; do you have a natural hair group at your school? If so, please share the details!

Healthy Hair Source will keep you covered, inside and out, on safe solutions for healthy hair, skin and health care. If you want more information on any of our topics, please leave a comment. Thanks for reading!