
First Lady Michelle Obama: Always Leading By Example

First Lady Michelle Obama made a surprise visit to Alice Deal Middle School (here in Washington, DC) to join students in a "Lets Move! Flash Workout" on Tuesday,
May 3, 2011. Over 600 schools across the country participated in similar workouts at the same time.

Like everything else she does, this First Lady led by example when she danced with a field full of students. She's doing her version of "the Dougie", and it looks waaaaaay better than mine!

Enjoy the video and watch as Mrs. Obama re-defines what a First Lady can do:

From The Los Angeles Times:

While Beyoncé's "Move Your Body" blasted over a sound system at Alice Deal Middle School, the First Lady went through a series of dance moves, from the old-school Running Man to the newest craze, the Dougie, to the delight of the youngsters who sashayed along with her.

"Beyoncé is one of my favorite performers on the planet. And when she agreed to remake her video and do this Let's Move flash workout, I was so excited, because this is what we've been talking about -- that exercise and moving can be fun," Mrs. Obama told ABC News.

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  1. What a Great Video demonstrating leading by example; Our First Lady's pretty hip and cool with all the right moves (lol)!

  2. Thanks for your comment, 4suremoney. Although she makes it look like loads of fun, First Lady Obama is serious when it comes to getting young people off the sofa and outside for exercise. LOL!


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