
What Have You Done For YOU Lately?

"What have you done for me lately? OOOOO, Yeah!"

We all remember the "hook line" to Miss Jacksons #1 song back in the day. What I'm wondering is What Have YOU Done for you lately?

How have you spoiled yourself lately? Spa treatment? Shopping spree? Vacation?

Regardless of
which side of center your personal philosophy may fall, (including the middle), the phrase “God helps them who help themselves” comes to mind. Those of us who believe in a creative force, be it natural or supernatural, should slow down a minute and carefully examine our position.

I think it is safe to say that most religions believe that God is the creator of *ALL* things, including mankind. Is it therefore reasonable to expect that we can sit back and wait for God or Nature to fix what is wrong with our lives? Our families? Our nation?

Many headlines today are shouting that the global economy is headed for an apocalyptic event; Can we expect to be rescued because we have a lock on God’s blessings?

What should we pray for?  U.S. dominance at all costs? A stable economic environment for yourself and your family? Should you don a tiara and pray for world peace? Do not think that I am mocking prayer. I am not.

Personally, I believe in the power of prayer, and I know without doubt that the help I receive comes from God. When I meditate on the things that matter in my life, it helps me to focus my energy toward reaching those goals.  Yet, I can also tell you that prayer alone does not accomplish any goal we are seeking.

God expects more from us.

As human beings, we all have what I call a "nature". That nature dictates that humans flourish under the conditions of freedom and liberty, and wither under the conditions of any form of slavery. It doesn’t matter whether that slavery is initiated by a group, an individual in your life or a government. The result is the same.

We flourish when we are free to give and receive what each one of us perceives as "value" in our relationships.  It is only when the use of force, fear or fraud is introduced into the relationship equation that this system breaks down. One of the our natural, God-given powers is the power to choose.

To make choices about our perceived values. To decide what we want to do with our values. No other animal on Earth has this power.

While it's true that God helps them who help themselves, we also know that the answers to our prayers aren't always what we were expecting. It isn’t that God is harsh; I look at it as being neutral because the needed resources have already been provided.  Knowledge and ability can be gained. We can learn to make better choices. After all that, it is simply up to us.

My translation of the song lyrics comes to this: What are you as an individual going to DO to improve YOUR life?

True freedom comes with a price tag. Whether you see freedom from an abusive relationship; freedom from poverty; or freedom from anything that make you unhappy----it requires vigilance and personal responsibility.

It is often said that we get the kind of life we deserve. When we find ourselves in a place where we deserve a whole lot better than what we're getting, that's the FIRST signal that it's time to do something different.

Spoiling yourself is more than a shopping spree, vacations, spa treatments and the like. Try spoiling yourself with the freedom from whatever fears are holding you back.  The sooner you make that commitment to yourself, the sooner you'll experience the life you deserve. It's never too late!

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