
Holiday Hairstyle Renewal

Let's be honest. Society expects us women to look like supermodels while doing the work of longshoremen. Between the responsibilities of home and work, sometimes we forget about our own well-being. In today's busy world there is very little time to do everything that most of us have on our "to-do" lists. For this reason, most women can
hardly find time to go to the hairdresser every six weeks, or even take care of their own hair like it should be taken care of.

Add to that "to-do" list the feeling that each season of the year, some small change to our style is a must to keep us in harmony with the world and ourselves. Of course, most hairstyles are simply renewals of older styles, just styled in different ways depending on need. These renewals allow those of us who are a little fearful of change to create a new look for each occasion. There are many ways to renew our hairstyles with a few simple steps, allowing us to find an appropriate solution to any holiday season (or special occasion!) with confidence.

And YES! We still want to look good, no matter how long our to-do list is! Whether we're single or married, working inside or outside of the home....are we ever REALLY "ready" for that impromptu call from that special person for a surprise dinner date?

Although it may seem difficult, we don't need a magic wand to do this. Here are some simple solutions based on trends of old standards that will help you go from "frumpy & relaxed" to "fabulous and ready" on short notice:

The Bun:
The word bun is inevitably think of an old teacher or a librarian. But a simple bun, if done correctly, can also be a stylish and chic hairstyle. Here's the trick: instead of rolling your hair UP in a bun behind her head, bring the hair back down toward the neck. Use a simple product and a styling brush to smooth hair and bring them back down to collect them in one spot at the base of the head. Twist hair in a bun, and secure with a bobby pin. A little of your favorite holding spray, along with a few taps to check for those "difficult" strands of hair (we all have them!), and you will look chic enough to turn heads.

You do not have enough hair to create a bun at the base of the neck? It's simple, smoothed your hair and pick up tips at the base of the head with an elastic strap. Then, using a hair band to reunite, make a bow to cover the small tail. Do not make the bow too big, but enough to balance the look and create the effect.

The Ponytail
Usually, the first idea of style that comes to mind when we think of chic hairstyle is not that of a woman with long hair in a ponytail. However, if done perfectly and that look elegant and sophisticated, the ponytail is the best choice. You can style it to look like a short up-do, using hair pins, or just let it hang.

Change The Part
One of the easiest ways to change your hairstyle is to change the part line. A middle part is a good way to style your hair in styles worn casual, while a lateral line is useful for creating an aura of elegance and style to get more sophisticated. In any case, it is very important to consider face shape before choosing how to vary the line. A long face is not really enhanced with a middle part line because it lengthens the nose and face even more. On the other hand, women with a full round face should avoid the side part, which brings the focus to the roundness of the face. Changing where you part the hair is a simple solution that allows you to change your usual hairstyle.

Try the Fringe
For those who only want a slight change in hairstyle, the fringe is a very interesting option that can renew your look with different results (depending on the shape of your face). Pulling out small pieces of hair all around your front hairline is ideal for a quick and easy hairstyle to do, and can be quickly blended back into the rest of your hair. If, however, you're feeling ready for a more daring style, opt for a fringe of long cut just above your eyelashes.

Use Accessories
Due to the large number of hair accessories available, women can easily change their hair in a simple and fast and adapt quickly to many different occasions. There are some really interesting styles of hair accessories available in a wide variety that are great for renewing your hair style and experimenting. Small bands in classic colors can be a good way to start, just be careful not to wear them too tight on your hair. I just love the large hair clips that come in jewel-colors, they give me the quick elegance needed for special occasions. Accessories like these are available in a myriad of patterns and colors vary from simple objects to real jewels for the hair.

Hair fashion is constantly changing, but a classic hairstyle is always good, and can be easily adapted to the new season and occasions . This way you can keep your own style and at the same time, feel in tune with the changes. Whatever change you decide to make to your hair, you always win by simply remembering to evaluate the characteristics of YOUR way of life.

What's your favorite holiday or special occasion hairstyle?

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