
Half A Biscuit is Better Than One: Healthy Weight Goals

The healthiest way to lose weight has nothing to do with crash diets nor bursts of exercise.  Our bodies don't like fast changes in terms of food and exercise.  For example, someone who hasn't exercised for years shouldn't rush into running miles a day or pounding the treadmill.   Doing so will leave you feeling disheartened and demotivated, especially if you injure yourself while doing it. The same goes for people who suddenly
start starving themselves. Diets that severely restrict the types of food "allowed", can lead you to be deficient in the nutrients and vitamins that your body needs.

Small changes can make a big difference. One extra biscuit a week can lead you to gain 5lb a year – cut that biscuit out of your diet and you'll lose the same amount.  It's much easier to eat HALF a biscuit, instead of a whole one in the beginning (of your weight loss strategy), than to deal with a crash diet that sets rules (for example: NO BISCUITS EVER AGAIN!)  for all foods.

You should think of weight loss in terms of permanently changing your eating habits. While weight-loss goals are usually set in term of weeks, the end game is to sustain these changes over months and years, turning those goals into a lifestyle change.... for life.

Here are a few more eating guidelines for healthy weight loss:

* Eat early and often. A healthy breakfast and 5 or 6 small meals throughout the day will jump start your metabolism, stabilize your blood sugar and ward off hunger pangs.

* Focus on vegetables. The low calories and high fiber, water and nutritional content of most vegetables make them more fulfilling and nutritious at a lower calorie cost.

* Upgrade your carbs. Switch from refined carbohydrates to whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds. They provide sustained natural energy and have much more fiber, so you feel fuller longer.

* Pad with protein. Protein helps keep you feeling full, so include some with every meal. Choose omega 3 fish, lean poultry, beans, whole grains and nuts. I still eat beef, also.  But these days, I don't eat it every other day like I used to.  I was surprised at how easy it was to make that small change in my eating habits!

* Drink more water. By replacing soda, coffee and alcohol with water, you can easily reduce your calorie intake. Whoever thought I would give up drinking ice-cold soda?  After 4 days of NO SODA, I was amazed that when I DID have a few sips, I poured the rest down the drain because it made me feel bloated instantly.  That was an easy "favorite" to cross off my list!  I've also cut w-a-y back on coffee; from 4 cups a day to just ONE!  You do the math.  All I know is that I saved hundreds of dollars last year by doing this!

* Take a multivitamin. Good quality supplements (not weight loss products) can fill the nutritional gaps in your diet and contribute to better natural energy and health.

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